Can I please stay?!?!

Hey everyone!

I hope you are all doing well! I know you are all praying for me, and I just
want to say thank you for that! Things on this side of the world are great!
Oh how I love it here........ Well, just so you all know, I cried for the first time
this week. How will I ever leave this place?!? Hmm....

The past few days have been good! The team from North Carolina is here
and have been doing a VBS at the youth centre. I have also been helping them.
To be honest, it is a little weird to have other muzungus around. I was pretty
much getting used to being the only one! haha.

Anyways, we are currently in Mwingi which is about two and a half hours east of
Nairobi. We will be doing ministry here until Sunday!

So... here are the exciting things I have done in the last few days.
1. I have ridden a motorcycle 3 times in the last 2 days!!! SO MUCH FUN!
2. I have been cooking with Mama Joe. We have made ugali (flour and water
mixed together), chipati (kind of like a flour tortilla but better), somaki (fish),
kachambaru (a yummy to my tummy kind of salad dish), and many other Kenyan
dishes! I cannot wait to fix all these dishes for you guys at home!
3. The dress making class is making me an African dress!!!! I got to pick out the
fabric and design, and the class at school is going to make it! :) Sophia is also
going to take me shopping for some shoes and jewelry to wear with it! :) YAYA!
4. I met with Jack Yates on Monday. If you don't know who that is, he is an IMB
missionary here in Kenya. He has been here for 30+ years and helped me to get
my school to sign off on this trip here so that I can use it for school credit! He is
such an amazing man! He gave me the best advice, and has invited me to stay
with him and his wife for a night next week!
5. I have found another kid I want! haha. His name is Nathan!!! I think he makes about
the 100th kid I want! hmm.... how many kids can I fit in my suitcase?!?
6. We have pretty much decided that I am no longer a muzungu, but I am a Kenyan!!
My skin may be of a white person, but my heart is of a Kenyan! I am fitting more and
more into this culture everyday!

I will try and post a few pictures tomorrow! I hope you all understand just how long it
takes to do that! It could be an extra hour just to load pictures.

I hope you all have an amazing rest of the day! I love you to the moon and back!

Don  – (June 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM)  

What joy to have a blog from you today. Great to hear of all the things you are doing. We miss you but we know you are answering a higher calling. Keep the updates coming since I can't hear your beautiful voice. God has richly blessed us all. Love You Daddy!!!!

Amy –   – (June 17, 2010 at 8:18 PM)  

Awww, Coco! I am so glad that God is blessing you and your ministry in Kenya! I think of you and pray for you! (((((big hugs from me to you))))

my5cubs  – (June 18, 2010 at 7:11 AM)  

Hey Coco - Mama might just cry writing this today, but I'm trying not to - oh well, didn't work, here those tears come. I just miss you so much & even though I love beyond measure reading new blog updates or even just hearing from you on facebook, it's sooooo hard being sooooo far away from you. I used to think TFC was a long way, but that drive seems waaay shorter now!

It makes me very, very happy that you are having the time of your life, working for our Lord God & Saviour and being blessed yourself - it's a given how much you are blessing others, how could you not? I'm so thankful to God for your servant's heart, your strong will, fearlessness & willingness to spend your summer & your own money working for God.

I'm also so very thankful for Pastor Wambua & Mama Joe, Melissa & the other brothers & sisters in Christ there who are giving of themselves to look after you and make you feel so loved and comfortable - I've asked everyone I know in Africa to give you many hugs from me, so I hope you have had many, many bear hugs.

Talked with Joab this morning on facebook & I thanked him again for being such a wonderful big brother to you - told him I knew it helped you not miss your Bubba so much. GF was so excited to talk with you on facebook the other day, she has missed you a bunch & will probably be taller than you when you get back!

I'm praying that so many see Jesus in you and want to know how to have that joy & peace in their lives - you tell em Coco over & over as many times as it takes.

I love you so much - I'm not any prouder of you or love you any more than any of the other kids -I'm just so thankful to God above for blessing me & Daddy with each of ya'll - don't have a clue how we could be so blessed with such great kids. I pray Coco that all of us will be willing to give up anything & do whatever it takes to serve our Saviour Jesus Christ and you are a great example to us all of living that radical life.

I pray also that you are having some fun riding motorcycles & eating vegetables & staying away from African snakes! You give everyone I feel like I know, but don't really know, in Africa big bear hugs from me - LU4ever2m&b

Anonymous –   – (June 20, 2010 at 7:37 PM)  

Hey CoCo - Hope this comment gets to you. Have written several & when I go to post, they disappear. Could be the typer--haha! I'm so enjoying being with you in Kenya through your blog. WHAT AN AMAZING STEWARD YOU ARE FOR OUR LORD!!! He's an awesome God & I know you experience that minute by minute like each of us do. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to keep us posted! We love you, praying for you daily & knowing God is blessing you but knowing those Kenyan kids are the blessed ones. You have so much to offer & graciously & unselfishlessly doing it. Hope you are enjoying your cards from home. I put that cartoon in your card to cheer you & to help you remember that TODAY is the present! Luv ya dear child of God - Ms Ann

my5cubs  – (June 21, 2010 at 7:01 AM)  

Hey Coco - will write more later - just making sure Annie's computer is working write on your blog! LU4ever2m&b

Unknown  – (June 21, 2010 at 10:05 AM)  

Hey Chloe, so, so proud of you and know that you have lots of love for those sweet children. You are very nurturing and caring and a great example of the love of the Lord. Be safe, have fun, and press on! Love ya, MJ

Pruitt Family –   – (June 23, 2010 at 5:21 PM)  

Hey Chloe,miss seeing you. We hope you are having fun!:) We know you are doing GREAT things in Kenya,and you are blessing to them. We love you, and can`t wait to see you and hear all about your adventure! :)

Love, The Pruitt Family

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